Saturday, November 29, 2008


Which Friends Character Are You?

You are Joey. You may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but you're unrivalled when it comes to the opposite sex. You're a great friend, going great lengths when needed. Remember: your friends are your lifeline and you'd better not leave them behind. Success will be hard to find without them around.

Find Your Character @


Mmmmmmmmmmm ....

Which Disney Princess Are You?

You are part Jasmine. You are loyal and would visit the ends of the earth for what you believe. You would never let obstacles stand in the way of true love.

You are part Belle. You are strong, deep, and you are not a slave to petty superficial things. You are independent and allow yourself to see inner beauty without sacrificing your values. You are almost too good of a person.

Find Your Character @


Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Constantly feel out-of-sync with the world.


How come we play war and not peace ?

Some things never fail to bring us joy. A hot cup of coffee, a long drive on a rainy day, a quick nap, hi-fi s with your friends, weekends, displays of affection, love, getting a surprise gift from some one and actually liking it :).....the list might be endless and strikingly different for each one of us...for me one constant in the list would be Calvin and Hobbes, never fails to bring a smile or even a laugh and manages to convey Bill Watterson's message or opinion...the theme of my blog is a Calvin and Hobbes inspiration..the best comic strip..

Click on the images to read better.

I couldnt find the cartoon for this one but here are the of the best :)

Calvin: Well. I've decided I do believe in Santa Claus, no matter how preposterous he sounds.
Hobbes: What convinced you?
Calvin: A simple risk analysis. I want presents. Lots of presents. Why risk not getting them over a matter of belief? Heck, I'll believe anything they want.
Hobbes: How cynically enterprising of you.
Calvin: It's the spirit of Christmas.



Thursday, January 3, 2008

Lessons from 2007

Seems like ages since I blogged! Absolutely no motivation or nothing even close to interesting happened that Icould write about.

Well, another year just went by and 2008 is already here!I hate to make resolutions! I ve never taken them seriously even when I make them instead i thought why not look back at 2007 and realise what I ve been through and what I ve made out of everything..I am gonna list the top ten most essential lessons I learnt from 2007.In no specific order..

1.Hardwork actually works! ;)
2.If you meet shitty people realise before its too late and stay away from them!
3.Speak your mind! Always works! but be polite or smart.
4.Do not loose focus on what you want to do in life !
5.Do not get distracted/carried away especially if the object of your distraction is a guy! Take it slow! If it doesnt work just thank god! :D
6. My best friends havent changed neither for the better not for the worse :P. I am happy!
7. Always, always maintain your dignity! Gethu dhan oru ponnukku sothu! ;)
8. I cannot read nor write lengthy blogs.:D
9. My heart,mind conflicts have been lesser this year!!!! I am so proud of that!!
10...and finally I am still a fighter! :)

Whew! I feel good now! 2007 has actually been a fine year!